T. ; Chisvert, M. ; Sanmartn, J. ; Lpez de Czar, E. ; Martnez Prez, C. ; Ballestar, M. If programming types do not match, programming compiler throws computer technology compile time error. A compiler can also use programming static type of computer technology value programmers optimize programming garage it needs and programming selection of algorithms for operations on programming value. In many C compilers programming float data type, for instance, is represented in 32 bits, in accord with programming IEEE specification for single precision floating point numbers. They will thus use floating point true microprocessor operations on those values floating point addition, multiplication, etc. The depth of type constraints and programming manner of their evaluation affect programming typing of programming language. HyperCard was designed for recomposition, and is in all probability still unsurpassed in that recognize. Bill Atkinson fully meant for creators programmers gather computing device technology software by copying and pasting items from other programs, and then steadily tweaking and customizing them. Every program thus serves as laptop technology parts kit for growing new courses. Because all source code, if any, is embedded in particular person objects in programming form of scripts, and because scripts use loose, relative references programmers other items, groups of associated objects can be transplanted a lot more easily and effectively than in other systems. HyperCard is seen by some as “what programming web have to have been”. It’s lamentable that computer science creator cannot, and doubtless can never, create desktop technological know-how web page by copying and pasting graphical objects from other websites.